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DMCA Policy

DMCA Policy

Attention, copyright vigilantes and armchair lawyers! We've got a newsflash that'll knock your socks off:

DMCA Policy: We're in Portugal, where the only thing we take down is francesinha and Port wine. Your cease and desist letter? Not so much.

Geography Refresher: Portugal is that cool surfboard-shaped country hanging ten off Europe's west coast. No, it's not Spain's hat.

Still adamant about contacting us? Fine, but make it worth our while. At the very least, send us a DMCA notice that's as good as a bottle of Port.

Contact Us (If You Must)

If you've made it this far and still haven't picked up on our subtle hints, you can reach our 'Department of Overzealous Copyright Claims'. Click if you dare!

Feeling lost? Our 24/7 support is just dying to hear from you!