So, You Want to File a DMCA Complaint?
Before we give you our super-secret DMCA contact info, let's play a little game, shall we?
Click the button below to start your journey through the treacherous waters of copyright law!
Congratulations, armchair Lawyers!
You've successfully navigated the DMCA labyrinth. As a reward, here's a virtual cookie: 🍪
And since you've proven your dedication, here's our DMCA contact:
(But remember, we're still in Portugal, where DMCA notices go on an extended vacation.)
🍪 Oh Joy, Another Cookie Alert! 🙄
Surprise, surprise! We use cookies. Because apparently, that's what all the cool websites are doing these days.
They're for: Keeping our site from falling apart (you're welcome), stalking your every move (we're not creepy at all), and pretending we care about your preferences (as if we had a choice).
Bored to tears? Our Privacy Policy is guaranteed to cure your insomnia!